Opportunity study for the creation of a Third Place on the territory of the Community of Communes of Lomagne Tarn et Garonnaise
- 28 December 2023 |
Project management : Communauté de Communes de la Lomagne Tarn et Garonnaise
The creation of a local socio-economic pole in Lomagne (main location planned in Beaumont-de-Lomagne) bringing together a third place/coworking and integration services and a labelled France Services should promote socio-economic diversity responding to the challenges related to the economic attractiveness and mobility difficulties of the territory.
Bringing people together in the same cluster
– a third-place/coworking space for employees, self-employed workers and employers,
– a space for integration, employment and training services for job seekers,
– a certified France Services for citizens,
will make it possible to pool, make services to the population understandable and to achieve economies of scale in terms of investments and operations.