National study on the transformation of “Maisons de l’international” into Third Places
- 28 December 2023 |
Project management : Groupe Caisses des dépôts
Year : 2023
Under public project management, the “Maisons de l’international” are places of information, meetings, exchanges and exhibitions open to the international market. For local authorities, they are a symbolic place where their international policy is embodied, concretized and enhanced.
In line with the expectations of local authorities, Caisse des Dépôts wishes to examine the opportunity to develop in France projects of “Maisons de l’international” inspired by those already existing. To this end, it has entrusted Villes Innovations with a two-phase study aimed at carrying out a diagnosis of the existing situation and then specifying the conditions for the operationalisation of International Maisons projects inspired by the Third Places model.